Jun 7, 2022

Personalized Anatomical Modelling presentation by A/Prof David Saxby

A/Prof David Saxby from Griffith University conducted an in person presentation on personalized anatomical modelling on 3 Jun 2022 at the University Melbourne and joined by the ARC CMIT group at Flinders University and Griffith University via zoom. This is the first part of the NMSK modelling workshop that is planned for the ARC CMIT annual symposium to be held in August at the Griffith University.

David holds a PhD in computational neuromuscular biomechanics and graduated from Griffith University in 2016. In 2022, he was the recipient of a Discovery Early Career Research Award from the Australian Research Council. His multidisciplinary research program rests on three pillars: innovations in orthopaedics, integrated technology development, and multidisciplinary study of human neuromusculoskeletal biomechanics. Dr Saxby has published over 55 manuscripts in Q1 journals such as British Journal of Sports Medicine, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems Rehabilitation and Engineering, and Osteoarthritis & Cartilage.

Within the Centre for Medical Implant Technology (CMIT), Dr Saxby’s research is focused developed of personalized models of the lower limb skeleton, musculature, and neural systems. The applications for these models include optimizing paediatric proximal femur osteotomies and paediatric anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions. Moreover, within the CMIT, Dr Saxby is leading a clinical trial examining the morphological and function consequences of autologous conditioned plasma treatment for autograft repair following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in adults.


Musculoskeletal models are the basis for much of modern biomechanical research and its application. However, their credibility as tools to aid critical processes in design, manufacture, and human health rests on how well these models reflect both the form and function of the individual. In this seminar, I will outline a continuum of approaches to personalization of musculoskeletal models, from simple to complex, and consider their respective merits and flaws. I will conclude by providing examples of new methods or integrated approaches that the Griffith Centre of Biomedical and Rehabilitation Research (GCORE) are developing within the Centre for Medical Implant Technologies (CMIT).